Saturday, March 10, 2007


Shalyn and Niki came over and are staying the weekend. Me and April came up with the brilliant idea to let all the kids go outside and play in some mud since it is really nice outside. Well we took some pictures of them. Shalyn had the most mud on her, and suprisingly Lily was the cleanest.

This here is jut the beginning of them playing.

Here they are a little dirtier. As you can tell Lydia's pants are a little big on her.


Shalyn playing in a big bucket of mud

Shalyn and Lydia sitting in the mud

Lydia and Shalyn showing us the mud on there hands

Niki showing us her dirty hands

Lily and the mud on her hands

Shalyn wanted a mud mask, so I gave her one

Niki wanted one too

Shalyn was pretty much caked in mud on her legs. She had a little difficulties keeping her pants up.

Same as Lydia, just not nearly as much on her legs

Lily didnt seem to like the mud so much.

Lily started to get cranky because she didnt have her nap yet, so we started with her and stripped them down at the front door and stuck them all in the shower to get cleaned off, Lily we put into the kitchen sink because she doesnt like showers.
So that was basically how things went today...

1 comment:

Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

Wow, that's a lot of mud. It she get it all out of their clothes? Looked like they had a blast. Looked like you had a blast taking pictures of them. They are growing too fast.