Friday, June 13, 2008

Just some things

OK So I have been at Aprils for alittle over a week now. So I have no picture to post, but just a little update. Im working on getting a place for me and Kaiden. I just can really take it much at home, kinda being why Im here at Aprils. We have been living back over in bartonville for about 2 months and nothing has got done, and we have no refrigerator. So I have put an application in over here where April lives. Its subsidized so they go based on your income. Im going to put one in at Brooke Meadows also but I need to get Kaidens SS number first before I can hand the application in. Mom doesnt know about this yet. Im going to wait a little bit until I tell her. I want to make sure I get in to one of the places first before I tell her.
But Kaiden is doing good. On the 5th he got his shots. And he weighed 13lbs 1oz and was 24inches long. He is becoming very verbal, and he is very smiley. I have started giving him baby foods. He seems to really like them. So far he has had Squash, Green Beans, Applesauce, Sweet Potatoes, and Rice cereal. Still isnt sleeping through the night, but only wakes up about twice. He stays awake alot more now. Today he woke about 8:30 and didnt take a nap until about 12:30 which is the longest he has gone so far without a nap. Tomorrow we are hoping to go get his pictures done. I havent been able to get any done yet. Thats one thing I like about being here at Aprils, If I need to go somewhere she takes me. But its time for Kaiden to eat. He is calling for me now, so I must go.


Anonymous said...

That's great! I'm praying for you to find a place. =)

Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

That would be wonderful for you to have a place for you and Kaiden. A true home where you won't have to keep moving around. I will tell Mr. Mike and we will be praying with you on finding a place.
Much Love!